Syracuse, NY – SRC Inc.’s Roof Guard™ counter-Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) System is one of twelve entries moving forward for capability refinement and possible rapid prototyping from the Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO). SRC employees presented the counter-ISR system to the Army’s RCCTO last year at the organization’s Innovation Day. The event, now known as the Army Strategic Rapid Acquisition (AStRA) competition, is an opportunity for industry to promote new, advanced and potentially life-saving technology to the RCCTO with the goal of quickly developing those technologies and getting them into warfighters’ hands. Out of more than 700 white paper entries, SRC was one of a dozen companies to secure funding for testing and enhancement of its Roof Guard counter-ISR system The Roof Guard counter-ISR system is being developed by SRC to be extremely low in size, weight, and power (SWaP) for warfighter survivability and situational awareness. It provides information of adversary ISR activity and, once this activity is detected, alerts the operator immediately – delivering lifesaving intel to disrupt the enemy’s command and complicate their objectives. “SRC works every day to innovate and develop life-saving solutions for our warfighters,” said Kevin Hair, president and CEO of SRC. “Further development of the Roof Guard system will allow us to continue advancing our mission to keep America and its allies safe and strong.” Under this contract with the RCCTO, SRC will test and enhance the Roof Guard system on buildings moving vehicles, and tripod configurations. About SRCSRC, Inc. (@SRCDefense), a not-for-profit research and development company, combines information, science, technology and ingenuity to solve “impossible” problems in the areas of defense, environment and intelligence. Across a family of companies, SRC applies bright minds, fresh thinking and relentless determination to deliver innovative products and services that are redefining possible® for the challenges faced by America and its allies. Since 1957, SRC’s commitment to the customer and the best solution — not the bottom line — has remained a core value that guides its efforts. This passion for quality carries through to the technologies the company invents and manufactures, the laboratories and facilities it builds, the people they hire, and communities where they work. Today, more than 1,500 engineers, scientists and professionals work together at SRC to protect people, the environment and our way of life.