C-TPAT Certification

SRCTec is certified as a secured importer under the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program, a voluntary, government-business partnership designed to strengthen the overall global supply chain and U.S. border security.

The goal of C-TPAT is to achieve the highest level of cargo security through close cooperation between businesses and CBP. By participating in C-TPAT, SRCTec is making a vital contribution to help secure our borders and supply chain, and ensure the continued free-flow of international trade. In order to receive this certification, SRCTec demonstrated that its business practices met CBP's stringent security standards.

IPC Certifications

SRC’s DES division in Syracuse, N.Y. builds and inspects electronics to recognized industry workmanship standards. SRC utilizes certified technicians and inspectors for IPC-J-STD-001 – Industry Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies and IPC/WHMA-A-620 – Requirements and Acceptance for Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies. There are also certified in-house trainers for each of these standards.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System

SRC maintains ISO 9001:2015 quality management system (QMS) registrations across multiple sites and businesses. 

SRC’s QMS was originally certified to ISO 9001 certification in 2009, and is currently scoped for: “The research, design, development and production of integrated systems and other electro-mechanical systems for radar, detection, electronic warfare, communications, and cyber solutions. Services for customers including analysis, studies, pre- and post-delivery engineering, and scientific support. (view SRCs certificate of conformance)

SRCTec’s QMS was originally certified to ISO 9001 certification in 2007, and is currently scoped for: “Manufacturing, integration and lifecycle support of radar and sensing equipment, communication devices, and electromechanical systems; Manufacturing and test process development; Electronic contract manufacturing services.” (view SRCTec’s certificate of conformance)

LEED Certification

SRC's LEED Certification
SRC's LEED Certification for our Corporate Headquarters in Syracuse, New York

SRC's corporate headquarters in Syracuse, N.Y. received LEED® certificationOpens external website by the U.S. Green Building Council and Green Building Certification Institute in 2009. Only 978 buildings worldwide were LEED for New Construction certified at the time SRC received this prestigious recognition and this was the first building of its size in Central New York to be LEED certified.

SRC's building has advanced lighting technology; an ENERGY STAR®-rated roofing membrane; highly energy efficient heating and cooling systems; CO2 monitoring; low emitting paints, carpeting, and building materials; prime parking for bicyclists, carpoolers, and hybrid vehicles, and much more. Not only has SRC met the requirements for LEED certification, but it is also qualified for “energy conservation” credits from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.

Additionally, this building continually meets the strict energy performance standards to earn an ENERGY STAR® Certification