Impossible? Not to Us.
The EW data and systems produced by SRC provide electromagnetic spectrum superiority to help keep our warfighters out of harm’s way.

Today our airborne warfighters face the most complex and technologically advanced battlefield ever. The technology the enemy uses to track, identify and engage our forces is constantly changing – which means we need to evolve faster.

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The Need for Intelligence Mission Data

To give our warfighters the best chance of success on the battlefield, the military is constantly gathering data on enemy threats – everything from signatures of hostile aircraft to acquisition radar signals from enemy missile installations. That data is used to program current and next-generation electronic detection and jamming systems, test the performance of these systems with realistic Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) recreations of tactical environments, and train warfighters on the tactics, techniques, and procedures for counteracting real-world threats on the battlefield.

The Challenge: Intelligence Mission Data is a Manual and Time-Intensive Process

Intelligence Mission Data (IMD), such as the data stored in the Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming Database (EWIRDB), is crucial to keeping our warfighters safe. But when programmers in labs around the country manually interpret and code our defense systems, they can interpret data differently, resulting in systems that might react in unexpected ways. In addition, creating and updating EW threat libraries is a time-consuming process. This limits the speed of getting updates to the field to protect our warfighters when threat changes are detected. These complications make developing, testing, and training across the military a real challenge, putting our warfighters in real danger.

Faster Timeline from Intel to Tactical

SRC has been an integral part of solving this problem by helping to create high fidelity and high quality IMD products, standardizing how these data products interact, and helping to automate the programming of our nation’s electronic defense, testing, and training systems. Standardization and automation, via open architectures and machine-to-machine interfaces, ensures that no matter who, or what system is accessing the data, the results they get will be consistent. This consistency results in a common threat signature, no matter if someone is testing a new jamming system on a range, or flying a joint mission halfway around the world. SRC supports the government by developing intelligence products, analysis tools, and EW environment simulation capabilities that provide access to timely and accurate intelligence data - augmenting traditional sources for reprogramming, test and evaluation, and training. This reduces human error, saves cost and shaves days, sometimes months, off response times.

SRC is redefining possible® for spectrum superiority – ensuring mission success for warfighters before their planes even leave the ground. Defeating a constantly evolving landscape of unseen electronic threats may seem impossible, but NOT TO US.

Learn more about how SRC's Electronic Warfare Mission Intelligence and Engineering is redefining possible®.