Research & Development

EW Intel Engineering & Analysis

SRC supports the reprogramming, modeling and simulation, and mission planning communities with electronic warfare (EW) systems and intel engineering and analysis.

SRC has been at the forefront of EW threat analysis and technique development since the 1980's, developing threat characterizations, EW technique generation and delivering rapid reprogramming for airborne EW missions, counter-IED and counter-UAS technologies.

We are continuously characterizing new and emerging threat devices and threat technologies to discover vulnerabilities and exploit those vulnerabilities with effective and efficient electronic attack and cyber techniques.

SRC has also created thousands of emitter descriptions for both the EWIRDB — the primary reprogramming database, and the CSDB — a mission planning database. SRC is also the premier instruction provider in the EW community, having developed and taught both user and producer training courses to hundreds of EW analysts.

We have all-source data collection and screening, complex engineering analyses, and threat modeling capabilities in various domains for various friendly, hostile and neutral systems. We also support end-users of this data by helping tailor emitter descriptions for sensor-specific reprogramming and theater-specific mission loads.