Leveraging our work in electronic warfare (EW), SRC developed a suite of electronic attack receivers that enhance the capabilities of existing threat simulator platforms.

The mission of the electronic attack receiver (EAR) is to process signals emitted by aircraft during training missions in order to detect and parameterize electronic counter measures. Since 1998, we have produced over 100 EARs for the Air Force and Navy threat simulator programs.

We have developed EAR systems for the Unmanned Threat Emitter (UMTE), Joint Threat Emitter (JTE), and Threat Radar Emitter Simulator/Reactive Track Receiver (TRES/RTR) threat simulators. We are currently developing the next-generation Common Electronic Attack Receiver (CEAR), which leverages the latest in modular hardware and software technology. The CEAR system will provide an extendable framework that can be easily configured to operate with numerous multiple threat simulators.

Common Electronic Attack Receiver (CEAR)

Advanced digital signal processing & RF performance that works with multiple threat simulators

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ECM Receiver 1854

Key component of the TRES/RTR, used for training Navy pilots on surface-to-air missile threats

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