Providing the test and evaluation and training communities with a scalable, modular and open digital EW threat generation systems that model threat emitters to the highest degree of fidelity.

High Fidelity Threat Simulation

SRC achieves real-time, high fidelity threat simulation by moving Keystone, the EWIRDB simulation engine, into a real-time environment. Keystone produces reactive, validated pulse descriptor words in the Advanced Modular Pulse Simulator.

The AMPS also layers propagation effects and ensures that pulses are generated in real-time. An AMPS unit can model up to 2,000 emitters in real-time and up to two million pulses per second in a standard, 2U rack-mounted solution. Additionally, multiple AMPS units can be daisy-chained together to deliver higher pulse density for more complex scenarios.

EW Modeling and Simulation

Overview Sheet

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