SRC's Roof Guard system is an extremely low-SWaP, unattended, counter-intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) system providing passive detection and early warning of adversary radar and ISR activity.

The Roof Guard system helps improve survivability and situational awareness by giving warfighters early warning of adversary airborne targeting and can integrate with a variety of countermeasures to help disrupt enemy tracking abilities.

Once adversary collection activity is detected, the system provides the operator with an immediate alert, delivering critical intel to help disrupt the enemy's command and control and complicate their objectives.

  • Integrates seamlessly into almost any scenario: expeditionary, moving vehicle & fixed-site installation
  • Helps protect warfighters and critical infrastructure by providing early warning of ISR
  • Assists in discovering security vulnerabilities through long-term data collection
  • Operates passively, eliminating the probability of detection by adversaries
  • Provides highly reliable long-term performance through solid state design

Roof Guard™ Counter-ISR System

Product Overview Sheet

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