With more than 40 years of electronic warfare experience, we are redefining possible for the EW community and the challenges it faces with today’s technologically advanced targets.

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Just as the threats we analyze have become more sophisticated, so does the volume and complexity of the data required to identify, track, simulate and counter them. EW engineers and analysts have become inundated with information that needs to be managed, processed, characterized and reported against. SRC is addressing this problem with world class tools and analytic services for all aspects of the intelligence production and reprogramming cycle. SRC is a significant contributor to the reprogramming database product, EWIRDB.

EWIRDB Development & Training

Engineering services & training for the EWIR community

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SIGINT Tool Development & EW Modernization

Tools to interface with the EWIRDB, common SIGINT data formats & other international intelligence databases

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EW Intel Production and Reprogramming Cycle