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Systems Engineering at SRC

At SRC, a systems engineer leads a project team in decomposing customer requirements into smaller, more actionable requirements that engineering teams can use as they begin to design a new solution.

The systems engineer has a deep knowledge of how a product or system needs to work, and can anticipate how a design change, or software update, might affect the different components of a system. They use this knowledge to guide engineering teams as they collaborate on a project, helping to solve and prevent unexpected problems. The systems engineer plays a major role in bringing all the pieces of a project together — ensuring a cohesive, understandable and effective product.

As a systems engineer at SRC, you’ be responsible for bringing all of the different disciplines of engineering together into one well-oiled, agile and cohesive project team. you’ play an active role in bringing our innovative and sometimes life-saving technology to market.

Systems engineers at SRC are empowered to go out and find the resources they need to solve issues on their own. We're less focused solely on the documentation of problems and more focused on getting our hands dirty and solving them.

Chris S. – Systems Engineer