SRC's solution to ground-based sense and avoid (GBSAA) is an integrated, flexible and scalable approach that enables unmanned aircraft system (UAS) flights in domestic airspace.

SRC’s GBSAA radar system allows for the operation of UAS (also referred to as drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) etc.) in the National Airspace System without a chase plane or ground observer. It uses LSTAR® ground sensors to detect airborne traffic, providing the UAS operator with the information necessary to maintain separation between their UAS and other airborne traffic. Our DO-178 certified GBSAA radar system supports an alternate means of compliance to the Federal Aviation Administration See and Avoid regulations (14 CFR 91.113) and provides the following benefits when compared to solutions using visual observers:

  • Reliable performance during low-visibility weather and nighttime
  • Expanded operational area
  • Increased operational time

GBSAA Radar System

Product Overview Sheet

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