SRC’s toxicologists are nationally recognized for their experience in evaluating epidemiologic, toxicologic and new approach methodologies (NAM) data for evaluating human health hazards. SRC is proficient at implementing systematic review procedures and utilizing predictive methods (e.g., QSARs, read across) for toxicological assessment.
Specific examples of our experience in this area include:
- ATSDR Toxicological Profile Program
We support the ATSDR in developing and updating toxicological profiles, interaction profiles, priority data needs documents, chemical evaluation summaries, Medical Management Guidelines and health consultations. SRC uses systematic review methods in preparing many toxicological profiles.
- EPA CPHEA (formerly NCEA) Documents
SRC has provided the EPA’s CPHEA with more than 5,000 reports in human health non-cancer and cancer risk assessments of single environmental stressors and mixtures, including IRIS toxicological reviews and PPRTV manuscripts. SRC has employed read-across and surrogate approaches to assess risks of chemicals with little to no data.
- TSCA Risk Evaluations
SRC provides systematic review support for TSCA Risk Evaluations, including literature searches and screening, evaluation of epidemiological and toxicological studies, hazard evidence integration, and dose-response assessment.
- New Chemicals
SRC has evaluated health and environmental hazard assessments of more than 25,000 new chemicals and biotechnology products submitted to EPA under TSCA. These assessments often involve category and read-across methods of hazard identification.
Toxicity Values for Human Health
Capability Overview Sheet
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