Operational Planning & Integration

Information Operations & Cyberspace Policy

Developing policies for IO and cyberspace operations is critical to the warfighter. A key to SRC's success is our understanding of the ever-changing information environment with an eye for how the employment of technical and cognitive capabilities will comply with national strategy and the potential political and military implications worldwide. Our employees provide decisive and timely support to the services and Geographic Combatant Commands, through the Joint Staff and the OSD, in the development, writing, alignment and understanding of cohesive policies and doctrines.

Based on our thorough understanding of applicable laws, defense strategies and policies, we further empower our customers to adapt and improve their own abilities to meet the challenges of  today. Our success is derived from our subject matter experts' abilities to work across government agencies, providing multi-disciplinary solutions that are not common in non-DoD agencies and organizations. We offer expertise that extends beyond DoD policy development, to development of national policy for IO and cyberspace.

Contact Us

For more information about our information operations and cyberspace policy services, please contact us today.