SRC provides integration support for emerging programs and technologies. These special capabilities carry unique intelligence demands to ensure they are appropriately and successfully employed in support of national strategy and combatant commanders’ plans and operations.

Information Operations

Intelligence support to operations, particularly for cyber and information-centric activities, has never been more critical to the success of our customers. SRC continually remains aware of rapidly changing technologies, networks and media to provide our customers with superior solutions and options to complex problems. We compare plans and technology with current activities, assessments and results to anticipate new requirements and offer recommendations that are results oriented. Using advanced data analysis and modern intelligence databases, we produce location-, individual- or event-based support packages, primarily for down-range customers. We incorporate multiple reporting streams to identify patterns and actionable elements that are best suited for final products that will yield intelligence advantages to our decision makers and warfighters.


As our adversaries change, we adapt accordingly to support our customers’ requirements. Our recommendations flow from detailed understanding of current and potential threats, specific theaters and situational factors, and keen analysis underpinned by decades of experience in both counterterrorism and intelligence.