The information environment is becoming more complex each day. SRC is at the forefront, providing detailed technical and physical support to customers. Effective information operations integration encompasses all aspects of military deception, cyberspace operations, information assurance, military information support operations, operations security, special technical operations and civil-military operations. SRC’s IO planners excel at integrating all aspects of IO together to ensure the appropriate solution is in the right place, at the right time.

SRC provides comprehensive strategy-to-task methodology, specifically for technical and cognitive-based IO. We assist customers in developing integrated concepts of operations, along with appropriately aligned tactics, techniques and procedures. We have demonstrated proficiency in planning and integrating operations and compartmented activities utilizing Joint Command and service planning processes in support of national strategy and combatant commanders’ plans and operations. We excel at developing concepts of operation that creatively apply current and emerging capabilities in non-traditional ways to achieve the desired effects. Our experience base spans many applications at the strategic, operational and tactical levels of war, and our perspective keeps us mindful of those tactical events that may have strategic impact while at the same time achieving an efficient use of resources in fiscally and physically constrained time and space.

Capability Integration

SRC focuses on cutting across stovepipes to bridge the gaps between capability developers and warfighters. We provide experienced planners skilled in translating operational requirements into programmatic ones for emergent capabilities. When programs are then ready for introduction to the operational force, we excel at ensuring these capabilities are soundly integrated and employed in support of national strategy and combatant commanders’ plans and operations.

Compartmented Integration

SRC takes great pride in the quiet but essential support we provide the DoD in the integration of compartmented activities to achieve desired effects. Our planners have comprehensive understanding of capabilities, effects and objectives within rigorous multi-level security structures. We support military staffs at all levels to synchronize efforts through detailed plans that employ the current Joint Command and service planning processes.

Information Operations

Overview Sheet

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